What is colic? No, seriously, what is it? As far as I can tell, it is only defined as a symptom in absence of any other known cause. The symptom is that your baby screams at night on cue like an evil cuckoo clock. For hours. First question. Can colic really be "a thing" if it is only defined by its symptoms? You wouldn't go to a doctor to be diagnosed with runny nose or sore throat. The virus is "the thing" that you'd hope could be diagnosed. So what is "the thing" with colic? Second question. Whether or not it is "a thing", can anything be done to treat colic? Third question. If we haven't defined a cause and we're only talking about symptoms, then shouldn't treatment consider all of the effects? The mental health of the parents is severely affected by colic, so shouldn't treatment, therefore, encompass the well being of the whole family? My first son had colic. He screamed on cue every night, starting at around midnight,...